Duhur is the name lol
Duhur is the name lol
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6 years ago
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Pretty sure you can’t explain what a color looks like.
Pretty sure you can’t explain what a color looks like.
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6 years ago
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Dear haters: First of all, u should know that Im typing this with my middle finger. #1Yoda
Dear haters: First of all, u should know that Im typing this with my middle finger. #1Yoda
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6 years ago
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If I had 1 dollar every time I felt more emotion for a fictional character than a real person, I could pay for the help I obviously need.
If I had 1 dollar every time I felt more emotion for a fictional character than a real person, I could pay for the help I obviously need.
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6 years ago
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Not the mix you deserved, but the one you needed. #1Yoda
Not the mix you deserved, but the one you needed. #1Yoda
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6 years ago
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Practicing that "Xmas afternoon" type of beat. #1Yoda
Practicing that "Xmas afternoon" type of beat. #1Yoda
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6 years ago
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One of worst jokes life will play on u is meeting the right person at the wrong time. #1Yoda
One of worst jokes life will play on u is meeting the right person at the wrong time. #1Yoda
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6 years ago
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