kRYSTAL - 3 kills (2 M4A4, Knife) on the bombsite B defense
kRYSTAL - 3 kills (2 M4A4, Knife) on the bombsite B defense
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NBK takes down three on the defense to wrap up the half (Inferno)
NBK takes down three on the defense to wrap up the half (Inferno)
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Viva - ACE (with 1vs3 clutch) - Part 1 - 2/5 frags
Viva - ACE (with 1vs3 clutch) - Part 1 - 2/5 frags
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zhokiNg shuts down Na`Vi with a 3k (Inferno)
zhokiNg shuts down Na`Vi with a 3k (Inferno)
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NiKo snipes down three on the defense (Mirage)
NiKo snipes down three on the defense (Mirage)
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coldzera takes down three to earn map point (Mirage)
coldzera takes down three to earn map point (Mirage)
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