Has anyone ever wondered why pitfall traps work on Diablos? Turns room then SMASH!
Has anyone ever wondered why pitfall traps work on Diablos? Turns room then SMASH!
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You spin me right round! G-Rank Turns room to relax from Dark Souls MonkaS
You spin me right round! G-Rank Turns room to relax from Dark Souls MonkaS
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Hey, your girlfriend looks like a Nibelsnarf, just saying. FeelsBadMan but at least theres a turns room!
Hey, your girlfriend looks like a Nibelsnarf, just saying. FeelsBadMan but at least theres a turns room!
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I am running out of stream title ideas, and content :)
I am running out of stream title ideas, and content :)
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I don't even know what I am working towards, I just like playing monster hunter to be honest. Turns Room!
I don't even know what I am working towards, I just like playing monster hunter to be honest. Turns Room!
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GFink bullying a child.
GFink bullying a child.
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[PC] Remember when this used to be a monster hunter stream? LUL
[PC] Remember when this used to be a monster hunter stream? LUL
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6 years ago
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