Kyrims Gets Cake Eat it Qwerty
Kyrims Gets Cake Eat it Qwerty
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Dragunity KC cup finish, then another KC cup run probably (5 KOG achieved this  month so far)
Dragunity KC cup finish, then another KC cup run probably (5 KOG achieved this month so far)
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6 years ago
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Blue-Eyes Kaiba Corp Cup run #2 (5 KOG this month and  one KC stage 1 so far)
Blue-Eyes Kaiba Corp Cup run #2 (5 KOG this month and one KC stage 1 so far)
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6 years ago
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THANKSGIVING!  KC Cup stage 2 TOMORROW! 6th KOG run (5 KOG + 6 DL 20 this month so far)
THANKSGIVING! KC Cup stage 2 TOMORROW! 6th KOG run (5 KOG + 6 DL 20 this month so far)
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6 years ago
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December King of Games run #1 (lets get this bread)
December King of Games run #1 (lets get this bread)
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6 years ago
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Ojama KOG (3rd day, I need a psychiatrist) 5th KOG of the month [new emote pending] #Charity
Ojama KOG (3rd day, I need a psychiatrist) 5th KOG of the month [new emote pending] #Charity
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6 years ago
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you openned so well
you openned so well
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6 years ago
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