the amount of value decks in this meta is peaking
the amount of value decks in this meta is peaking
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y0ttabytey0ttabyte playing Eternal
6 years ago
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jamming some more white weenies! challenge me with your decks #ad
jamming some more white weenies! challenge me with your decks #ad
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6 years ago
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what the f- what the f- what the f- wh- wh- wh- wh-
what the f- what the f- what the f- wh- wh- wh- wh-
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#RoadTo500 hitting that sweet level 99 primal with set 5 memes
#RoadTo500 hitting that sweet level 99 primal with set 5 memes
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y0ttabytey0ttabyte playing Eternal
6 years ago
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Yotta hits lv 500!
Yotta hits lv 500!
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y0ttabytey0ttabyte playing Eternal
6 years ago
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defiance in sealed for the first time
defiance in sealed for the first time
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y0ttabytey0ttabyte playing Eternal
6 years ago
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When you need to open up Notepad to figure out manabase for your draft deck
When you need to open up Notepad to figure out manabase for your draft deck
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y0ttabytey0ttabyte playing Eternal
6 years ago
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