Randy Newman Karaoke Hour
Randy Newman Karaoke Hour
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6 years ago
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It's getting hot in here... no seriously, it's Summer. | Welcome to The Green Dragon Tavern! | I drink and I know things.
It's getting hot in here... no seriously, it's Summer. | Welcome to The Green Dragon Tavern! | I drink and I know things.
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6 years ago
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Let's talk about Tomorrow!! | Welcome my Green Dragon Tavern!! | I drink and I know things. !bits
Let's talk about Tomorrow!! | Welcome my Green Dragon Tavern!! | I drink and I know things. !bits
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6 years ago
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Sanic is that you ?
Sanic is that you ?
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6 years ago
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That laugh
That laugh
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(first / !blind) It's getting PERSONAl here | Welcome to my Green Dragon Tavern! | I drink and I know things.
(first / !blind) It's getting PERSONAl here | Welcome to my Green Dragon Tavern! | I drink and I know things.
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6 years ago
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