Playtest your game before you change it?
Playtest your game before you change it?
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6 years ago
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CatonmarzCatonmarz playing Hades
6 years ago
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FTL: NoPause/Hard Mode If missiles were delicious snacks I'd be ridiculously overweight and dead because I EAT TOO MANY OF THEM IN THIS GAME
FTL: NoPause/Hard Mode If missiles were delicious snacks I'd be ridiculously overweight and dead because I EAT TOO MANY OF THEM IN THIS GAME
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Necrosavant? More like...Deadcro...Sa...Dead. You know what, come back to me. I'm sick. Don't bully me chatroom.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Necrosavant? More like...Deadcro...Sa...Dead. You know what, come back to me. I'm sick. Don't bully me chatroom.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers:E/E/L/I Too many warbrands, not enough hammers. What's the worst that could happen? Orcs. Definitely orcs. Pls no orcs.
Battle Brothers:E/E/L/I Too many warbrands, not enough hammers. What's the worst that could happen? Orcs. Definitely orcs. Pls no orcs.
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6 years ago
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What am I, a casual?
What am I, a casual?
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3 years ago
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I must go...
I must go...
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2 years ago
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