Back To Eternal! Dusting the Nerfed Legends and making new decks! !playeternal
Back To Eternal! Dusting the Nerfed Legends and making new decks! !playeternal
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5 years ago
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Road to Anaheim Day 2: Can Meganium Work in Expanded??? !raffle every hour!
Road to Anaheim Day 2: Can Meganium Work in Expanded??? !raffle every hour!
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what :lul
what :lul
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If everyone is playing Aggro, lets play Anti-Aggro!
If everyone is playing Aggro, lets play Anti-Aggro!
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6 years ago
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ECS Qualifier Prep: What one deck beats everything? !drops
ECS Qualifier Prep: What one deck beats everything? !drops
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6 years ago
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Eternal Memes & Marbles! Whats the best Eternal Meme deck??? !playeternal
Eternal Memes & Marbles! Whats the best Eternal Meme deck??? !playeternal
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5 years ago
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Q: How do we beat control? A: MORE AEGIS! !playeternal
Q: How do we beat control? A: MORE AEGIS! !playeternal
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5 years ago
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