AZR taps down three in the second pistol round (Train)
AZR taps down three in the second pistol round (Train)
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Flamie reaction to S1mple 1vs3 P250 absurd clutch.
Flamie reaction to S1mple 1vs3 P250 absurd clutch.
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s1mple wraps up the half with a stunning 3k on the AWP (Inferno)
s1mple wraps up the half with a stunning 3k on the AWP (Inferno)
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Spiidi kills defuser through the smoke by spamming the scout from the other site & wins the round
Spiidi kills defuser through the smoke by spamming the scout from the other site & wins the round
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Jame, please just scope in
Jame, please just scope in
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15 votes
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