kennyS - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite A defense
kennyS - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite A defense
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hooch - 3 AUG kills on the CT Mid defense (initial frags)
hooch - 3 AUG kills on the CT Mid defense (initial frags)
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Kap3r takes down three in the second pistol round (Dust2)
Kap3r takes down three in the second pistol round (Dust2)
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SZPERO - 1vs2 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill) to complete a perfect T half for AGO
SZPERO - 1vs2 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill) to complete a perfect T half for AGO
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SHiPZ (CT) - 4 AUG kills on the Underpass to bombsite A flank to set Windigo on match point
SHiPZ (CT) - 4 AUG kills on the Underpass to bombsite A flank to set Windigo on match point
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Ninis - 1vs2 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation) to keep Viva Algeria in the running for Train
Ninis - 1vs2 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation) to keep Viva Algeria in the running for Train
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