gob b quad kill hold (Mirage)
gob b quad kill hold (Mirage)
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Liazz denies the retake with a 3k to secure the first round for Renegades (Dust2)
Liazz denies the retake with a 3k to secure the first round for Renegades (Dust2)
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aizy - 4 M4A4 HS kills on the advanced Yard defense (initial frags)
aizy - 4 M4A4 HS kills on the advanced Yard defense (initial frags)
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draken snipes down three on the defense (Overpass)
draken snipes down three on the defense (Overpass)
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Luminosity segura rush meio | Draft5.gg
Luminosity segura rush meio | Draft5.gg
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Magisk reaction 1v3
Magisk reaction 1v3
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11-4 Astralis | theclutch.com.br
11-4 Astralis | theclutch.com.br
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