electronic triple kill hold (Train)
electronic triple kill hold (Train)
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Jerry - 4 Glock kills (3 HS) on the A offensive to turn a 2vs4 situation and secure the pistol round
Jerry - 4 Glock kills (3 HS) on the A offensive to turn a 2vs4 situation and secure the pistol round
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somebody - 3 AK kills on the bombsite B offensive (initial frags)
somebody - 3 AK kills on the bombsite B offensive (initial frags)
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AMANEK graffiti plays
AMANEK graffiti plays
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SPUNJ makes an intelligent observation on reddit
SPUNJ makes an intelligent observation on reddit
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kNgV- ACE clutch pt.1 | Draft5.gg
kNgV- ACE clutch pt.1 | Draft5.gg
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