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somedieyoung takes down three to make up for the two man deficit  (Mirage)
somedieyoung takes down three to make up for the two man deficit (Mirage)
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kennyS - 3 AWP kills on the advanced bombsite B defense (including 2 kills with 1 shot)
kennyS - 3 AWP kills on the advanced bombsite B defense (including 2 kills with 1 shot)
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Ethan ridiculous quad kill with the AWP to deny the plant (Overpass)
Ethan ridiculous quad kill with the AWP to deny the plant (Overpass)
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A Viking Burial
A Viking Burial
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Gratisfaction KQLY
Gratisfaction KQLY
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Crowd member fakes a kiss towards his girlfriend
Crowd member fakes a kiss towards his girlfriend
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