EPICENTER Major - Virtus.pro [1-0] TNC - BO3 by TobyWan & LizZard
EPICENTER Major - Virtus.pro [1-0] TNC - BO3 by TobyWan & LizZard
28 votes
5 years ago
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Team Spirit vs Anime11 I Bo1 I Megafon champions league season 2 W/ @Robnrollgaming & @Tsunami643
Team Spirit vs Anime11 I Bo1 I Megafon champions league season 2 W/ @Robnrollgaming & @Tsunami643
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6 years ago
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Clips with titles get more views. Help epicenter_en1 get discovered by adding a title.
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b0RUP - 4 USP-S kills (3 HS) on the advanced Mid defense (pistol round)
b0RUP - 4 USP-S kills (3 HS) on the advanced Mid defense (pistol round)
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flamie - 1vs2 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
flamie - 1vs2 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
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2 votes
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Рамзик не тильтует
Рамзик не тильтует
10 votes
5 years ago
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