special discussing strats
special discussing strats
0 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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dad and dad of esports
dad and dad of esports
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GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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Protoss doing what can't be done
Protoss doing what can't be done
0 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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Worst Stasis Trap location ever
Worst Stasis Trap location ever
1 vote
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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GSL Tasteless TV show about a person canon rushing and solving mysteries
GSL Tasteless TV show about a person canon rushing and solving mysteries
1 vote
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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North Korea invade GSL (...PUBG)
North Korea invade GSL (...PUBG)
2 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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All the Shots
All the Shots
2 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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