Frozen Insane 3K
Frozen Insane 3K
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dexter - 1vs2 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
dexter - 1vs2 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
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flamie shuts down the retake with a quad kill (Mirage)
flamie shuts down the retake with a quad kill (Mirage)
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aizy 1v3 clutch to keep North alive (Nuke)
aizy 1v3 clutch to keep North alive (Nuke)
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kennyS denies the retake with a 3k (Overpass)
kennyS denies the retake with a 3k (Overpass)
3 votes
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Zeus full ace
Zeus full ace
4 votes
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dev1ce BabyRage
dev1ce BabyRage
22 votes
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