Kntz - 4 kills (2 AK, 2 SG556 HS) on the Ladder Room to bombsite A offensive (opponent perspectives)
Kntz - 4 kills (2 AK, 2 SG556 HS) on the Ladder Room to bombsite A offensive (opponent perspectives)
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S0tF1k - 1vs3 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
S0tF1k - 1vs3 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
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karrigan LMAO
karrigan LMAO
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valde 2k + gade 2k |
valde 2k + gade 2k |
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arT crushes the defense with a quad kill (Inferno)
arT crushes the defense with a quad kill (Inferno)
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Liazz ACE to shut down FaZe (Mirage)
Liazz ACE to shut down FaZe (Mirage)
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