kinqie takes down three with the cz75a to steal the round
kinqie takes down three with the cz75a to steal the round
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speed4k - 3 quick Glock HS kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (second half pistol round)
speed4k - 3 quick Glock HS kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (second half pistol round)
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device 1v3 clutch (Overpass)
device 1v3 clutch (Overpass)
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s1mple - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the Mid to bombsite A offensive to secure the map victory
s1mple - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the Mid to bombsite A offensive to secure the map victory
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kscerato 3k spraycontrol
kscerato 3k spraycontrol
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16 votes
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63 votes
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