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arT secures the round with a 4k (Nuke)
arT secures the round with a 4k (Nuke)
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JW - 4 USP-S HS kills on the defense (pistol round)
JW - 4 USP-S HS kills on the defense (pistol round)
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CeRq noscope and Device save for 5th ot
CeRq noscope and Device save for 5th ot
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kennyS snipes down three to save the series (Train)
kennyS snipes down three to save the series (Train)
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JaCkz stunning 3k to hold the line
JaCkz stunning 3k to hold the line
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Zeus 1v2 clutch (Nuke)
Zeus 1v2 clutch (Nuke)
4 votes
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