TACO nega o plant | theclutch.com.br
TACO nega o plant | theclutch.com.br
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Device plying stretched
Device plying stretched
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Kjaerbye clutches out the round with a triple kill (Train)
Kjaerbye clutches out the round with a triple kill (Train)
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Aleksib takes down four on the defense
Aleksib takes down four on the defense
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s1mple snipes down three to defend the site (Mirage)
s1mple snipes down three to defend the site (Mirage)
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device stunning quad kill hold (Dust2)
device stunning quad kill hold (Dust2)
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f0rest 1v2 clutch (Nuke)
f0rest 1v2 clutch (Nuke)
24 votes
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