Allu full ACE with 1v2 clutch
Allu full ACE with 1v2 clutch
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kNgV- - 4 AWP kills (including 1vs2 post-plant clutch) on the bombsite B offensive to turn a 2vs4
kNgV- - 4 AWP kills (including 1vs2 post-plant clutch) on the bombsite B offensive to turn a 2vs4
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almazer - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) while having 17 HP
almazer - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) while having 17 HP
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Magisk takes down three on the offense to secure the first round of OT (Train)
Magisk takes down three on the offense to secure the first round of OT (Train)
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nexa denies the retake with a swift 3k (Dust2)
nexa denies the retake with a swift 3k (Dust2)
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6 votes
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sergej ACE to shut down ViCi (Inferno)
sergej ACE to shut down ViCi (Inferno)
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