Xyp9x 4k ACE CLUTCH to Nuke NRG xd
Xyp9x 4k ACE CLUTCH to Nuke NRG xd
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[EN] Furia vs. Sharks | StarLadder Major Berlin 2019: Americas Minor | Day 4 w/ Vince Hill & Vendetta
[EN] Furia vs. Sharks | StarLadder Major Berlin 2019: Americas Minor | Day 4 w/ Vince Hill & Vendetta
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Keoz (T) wins another 1vs2 situation (pre-plant)
Keoz (T) wins another 1vs2 situation (pre-plant)
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valde takes down three on the offense
valde takes down three on the offense
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AdreN takes down three to deny the retake (Dust2)
AdreN takes down three to deny the retake (Dust2)
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dev1ce breaks the trophy
dev1ce breaks the trophy
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