electronic takes down three on the offense to enable the clutch for Zeus (Inferno)
electronic takes down three on the offense to enable the clutch for Zeus (Inferno)
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yeL - 1vs2 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation) while having 16 HP
yeL - 1vs2 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation) while having 16 HP
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interz - ACE (with 1vs2 clutch) - second half pistol round 2/2
interz - ACE (with 1vs2 clutch) - second half pistol round 2/2
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Gratisfaction takes down  three to make up for the man deficit (Mirage)
Gratisfaction takes down three to make up for the man deficit (Mirage)
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Tabsen with 3 crazy VAC shots
Tabsen with 3 crazy VAC shots
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electronic anti-eco ACE (Nuke)
electronic anti-eco ACE (Nuke)
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4 votes
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