F to pay respects for the efforts of Renegades!
F to pay respects for the efforts of Renegades!
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XANTARES - 1vs2 clutch (CT - post-plant situation) to keep BIG in the match
XANTARES - 1vs2 clutch (CT - post-plant situation) to keep BIG in the match
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huNter- - 3 AK kills on the bombsite A offensive (initial frags)
huNter- - 3 AK kills on the bombsite A offensive (initial frags)
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stanislaw takes down three in the second pistol round (Nuke)
stanislaw takes down three in the second pistol round (Nuke)
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Human Centipede
Human Centipede
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Stewie Farted
Stewie Farted
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device 1v3
device 1v3
45 votes
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