frozen taps down four to enable the retake (Mirage)
frozen taps down four to enable the retake (Mirage)
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chrisJ - 4 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense
chrisJ - 4 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense
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olha onde a mira do cara tava e ele matou o cara da entrada da banana
olha onde a mira do cara tava e ele matou o cara da entrada da banana
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We saw it "radykasikavosik" on overpass
We saw it "radykasikavosik" on overpass
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jedqr 3k spray
jedqr 3k spray
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jedrq taps down three in the first pistol round (Nuke)
jedrq taps down three in the first pistol round (Nuke)
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michu <3 snax
michu <3 snax
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