Snax quad kill to secure the map (Inferno)
Snax quad kill to secure the map (Inferno)
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frozen - 4 AK kills (3 HS) on the offensive
frozen - 4 AK kills (3 HS) on the offensive
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#14 score: 6 GOD play - Thu Sep 19 '19 13:31 - @ggwtc
#14 score: 6 GOD play - Thu Sep 19 '19 13:31 - @ggwtc
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acoR snipes down three on the defense (Inferno)
acoR snipes down three on the defense (Inferno)
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sjuush stunning 4k to keep Tricked alive (Nuke)
sjuush stunning 4k to keep Tricked alive (Nuke)
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chrisJ keeps mouz alive with a 3k on the defense (Inferno)
chrisJ keeps mouz alive with a 3k on the defense (Inferno)
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Vegi denies map point with a quad kill hold (Train)
Vegi denies map point with a quad kill hold (Train)
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