Brehze triple kill hold (Overpass)
Brehze triple kill hold (Overpass)
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Keoz - 4 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A defense (pistol round)
Keoz - 4 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A defense (pistol round)
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Dev1ce insane shot
Dev1ce insane shot
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North steal the round on a force buy (Dust2)
North steal the round on a force buy (Dust2)
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kNgV- - 4 AWP kills on the defense (vs mixed buy)
kNgV- - 4 AWP kills on the defense (vs mixed buy)
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ZywOo cathes Ence while corssing (Dust2)
ZywOo cathes Ence while corssing (Dust2)
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stax assegura o pistol para a MVP PK com clutch 1v4 |
stax assegura o pistol para a MVP PK com clutch 1v4 |
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