ESL ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!
ESL ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!
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s1mple - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense
s1mple - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense
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s1mple (CT) wins another 1vs2 situation (pre-plant)
s1mple (CT) wins another 1vs2 situation (pre-plant)
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ZywOo (CT - Deagle/AWP) wins the 1vs1 duel with KRIMZ (AK - bombsite B)
ZywOo (CT - Deagle/AWP) wins the 1vs1 duel with KRIMZ (AK - bombsite B)
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15 votes
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Live: IEM Chicago 2018: A-Stream - Na'Vi Vs. BIG
Live: IEM Chicago 2018: A-Stream - Na'Vi Vs. BIG
962 votes
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