kennyS - 3 AWP kills on the advanced bombsite B defense (including 2 kills with 1 shot)
kennyS - 3 AWP kills on the advanced bombsite B defense (including 2 kills with 1 shot)
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Keoz - 3 quick M4A4 HS kills on the Lower B Tunnel defense (vs upgraded pistols)
Keoz - 3 quick M4A4 HS kills on the Lower B Tunnel defense (vs upgraded pistols)
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device enables the retake with a 3k (Train)
device enables the retake with a 3k (Train)
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Lucky quad kill with the mac 10 to steal the round (Vertigo)
Lucky quad kill with the mac 10 to steal the round (Vertigo)
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AdreN quad kill hold (Mirage)
AdreN quad kill hold (Mirage)
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9 votes
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dev1ce BabyRage
dev1ce BabyRage
22 votes
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