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Snappi - 3 SG556 kills on the Ramp defense
Snappi - 3 SG556 kills on the Ramp defense
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Jerry - 3 quick AK kills on the advanced bombsite A Ramp defense (initial frags)
Jerry - 3 quick AK kills on the advanced bombsite A Ramp defense (initial frags)
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OG makes incredible highground defence
OG makes incredible highground defence
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5 years ago
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ZywOo - 1vs3 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
ZywOo - 1vs3 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
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Puppey whispers to his Monitor "I feel like destroying some monitors later tonight, your up first"
Puppey whispers to his Monitor "I feel like destroying some monitors later tonight, your up first"
7 votes
5 years ago
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17 votes
5 years ago
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