Keep a gun on 'em
Keep a gun on 'em
24 votes
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Artifact Fail and Rant
Artifact Fail and Rant
0 votes
6 years ago
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How LB viewers think ESB fight Kappa (Its a joke, calm down LUL)
How LB viewers think ESB fight Kappa (Its a joke, calm down LUL)
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New bug ?
New bug ?
4 votes
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OTT goes into ICU after fight with CG
OTT goes into ICU after fight with CG
8 votes
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New War - Lost vs Misfits pt.1
New War - Lost vs Misfits pt.1
12 votes
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OTT had his auto tuned voice box UPGRADED, can now turn it off an on.
OTT had his auto tuned voice box UPGRADED, can now turn it off an on.
13 votes
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