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NiKo - 4 AK kills (3 HS) on the bombsite A defense (including 1st person perspective REPLAY)
NiKo - 4 AK kills (3 HS) on the bombsite A defense (including 1st person perspective REPLAY)
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s1mple - 4 kills (AWP, 3 AK) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs4 situation) to secure the map victory
s1mple - 4 kills (AWP, 3 AK) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs4 situation) to secure the map victory
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s1mple taps down three in the second pistol round (Train)
s1mple taps down three in the second pistol round (Train)
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18 votes
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wtf niko
wtf niko
22 votes
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Thorin Preach
Thorin Preach
90 votes
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