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Xyp9x - 1vs2 clutch (T - pre-plant situation)
Xyp9x - 1vs2 clutch (T - pre-plant situation)
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that's a flick
that's a flick
4 votes
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fer - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
fer - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
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trk's ACE and 1vs4 clutch attempt are denied by the final CT (stanislaw) in the post-plant situation
trk's ACE and 1vs4 clutch attempt are denied by the final CT (stanislaw) in the post-plant situation
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s1mple - 3 Scout kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A defense (including no scope kill)
s1mple - 3 Scout kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A defense (including no scope kill)
11 votes
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tizian molly
tizian molly
12 votes
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