Cooper 1v3 4k to put Swole Patrol on series point
Cooper 1v3 4k to put Swole Patrol on series point
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gla1ve wraps up the half with a 3k (Inferno)
gla1ve wraps up the half with a 3k (Inferno)
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1 vote
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autimatic snipes down three on the defense (Inferno)
autimatic snipes down three on the defense (Inferno)
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NAF vence 1v3 e pontua para a Liquid (Dust 2) |
NAF vence 1v3 e pontua para a Liquid (Dust 2) |
7 votes
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flusha forgets the clock
flusha forgets the clock
9 votes
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Coldzera eats 5 flashes
Coldzera eats 5 flashes
14 votes
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