NiKo - ACE (Part 1 - observer)
NiKo - ACE (Part 1 - observer)
4 votes
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Perfecto - 3 AK kills on the bombsite A retake (2vs4 post-plant situation)
Perfecto - 3 AK kills on the bombsite A retake (2vs4 post-plant situation)
3 votes
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REZ - 3 AWP kills with a single shot (Part 2 - REPLAY)
REZ - 3 AWP kills with a single shot (Part 2 - REPLAY)
4 votes
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Jumpy throw hahaha
Jumpy throw hahaha
5 votes
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jkaem full blind 1 taps coldzera
jkaem full blind 1 taps coldzera
9 votes
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cold 4k
cold 4k
12 votes
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fer ACE to secure the second pistol round (Train)
fer ACE to secure the second pistol round (Train)
15 votes
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