REZ - ACE (with 1vs4 AWP clutch) to keep Vitality off match point (Part 3 - REPLAY)
REZ - ACE (with 1vs4 AWP clutch) to keep Vitality off match point (Part 3 - REPLAY)
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art 3
art 3
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s1mple (CT) lands a devastating AWP HS flick on a barely visible jumping opponent (w/ REPLAY)
s1mple (CT) lands a devastating AWP HS flick on a barely visible jumping opponent (w/ REPLAY)
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nice ace tarik
nice ace tarik
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Boombl4 takes electronic's spot, so Complexity think he's low but he's actually not
Boombl4 takes electronic's spot, so Complexity think he's low but he's actually not
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niko needs a piss
niko needs a piss
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