Valde worst timing in OT.
Valde worst timing in OT.
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VAC moment
VAC moment
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oSee doesnt trust nitro yet
oSee doesnt trust nitro yet
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chrisJ 1v3 clutch
chrisJ 1v3 clutch
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s1mple's 1vs4 clutch attempt (T - pre-plant situation) is denied after 2 Deagle HS kills
s1mple's 1vs4 clutch attempt (T - pre-plant situation) is denied after 2 Deagle HS kills
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Perfecto - ACE (with 1vs3 clutch) to turn an initial 2vs5 situation in favor of Natus Vincere
Perfecto - ACE (with 1vs3 clutch) to turn an initial 2vs5 situation in favor of Natus Vincere
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