dupreeh - 4 kills (2 Glock, 2 USP-S HS) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs4 situation - pistol round)
dupreeh - 4 kills (2 Glock, 2 USP-S HS) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs4 situation - pistol round)
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REZ denies s1mple the ACE clutch to save the round (Inferno)
REZ denies s1mple the ACE clutch to save the round (Inferno)
6 votes
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Stewie dad d!cking
Stewie dad d!cking
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f0rest shuts down ViCi with an ACE (Inferno)
f0rest shuts down ViCi with an ACE (Inferno)
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Rush will do the worm if they make it to playoffs
Rush will do the worm if they make it to playoffs
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Aleksib 200 IQ clutch
Aleksib 200 IQ clutch
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CSGO Commentator gets called out by colleagues for his noobish use of space bar
CSGO Commentator gets called out by colleagues for his noobish use of space bar
49 votes
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