Astralis have a nade for everything
Astralis have a nade for everything
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karrigan - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the Long defense (initial frags)
karrigan - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the Long defense (initial frags)
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The more you crouch IRL you are harder getting killed - Look at Snappi for example.
The more you crouch IRL you are harder getting killed - Look at Snappi for example.
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LIVE: MIBR vs. FURIA Esports - ESL Pro League Season 11 - Group C
LIVE: MIBR vs. FURIA Esports - ESL Pro League Season 11 - Group C
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Jumpy throw hahaha
Jumpy throw hahaha
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The size of Aleksib's playbook
The size of Aleksib's playbook
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