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s1mple - 1vs2 AWP clutch (T - pre-plant situation) to secure the map victory for Natus Vincere
s1mple - 1vs2 AWP clutch (T - pre-plant situation) to secure the map victory for Natus Vincere
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arT - 3 quick XM1014 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (4vs5 situation)
arT - 3 quick XM1014 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (4vs5 situation)
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GeT_RiGhT 4k
GeT_RiGhT 4k
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Xyp9x clutch narrated by Gla1ve and Dev1ce
Xyp9x clutch narrated by Gla1ve and Dev1ce
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12 votes
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