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es3tag - ACE (4 Deagle, AWP HS) - Part 1 - observer
es3tag - ACE (4 Deagle, AWP HS) - Part 1 - observer
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Heccu tells guerri to go outside (and touch grass) (Guerri says no)
Heccu tells guerri to go outside (and touch grass) (Guerri says no)
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Mauisnake touched grass ( He went outside)
Mauisnake touched grass ( He went outside)
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Renegades scare Grayhound off the server
Renegades scare Grayhound off the server
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Perfecto wraps up the half with a 3k (Mirage)
Perfecto wraps up the half with a 3k (Mirage)
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