Ludwig on how being friends with Sykkuno impacted him
Ludwig on how being friends with Sykkuno impacted him
0 votes
4 years ago
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Ludwig with some final remarks after the debate
Ludwig with some final remarks after the debate
0 votes
4 years ago
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Ludwigs take on the financial side of the Pokemon Box openings
Ludwigs take on the financial side of the Pokemon Box openings
0 votes
4 years ago
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Ludwig buys a Helicopter
Ludwig buys a Helicopter
0 votes
ludwigludwig playing Rust
4 years ago
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Lud shows one of his angels the secret passage
Lud shows one of his angels the secret passage
2 votes
ludwigludwig playing Rust
4 years ago
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Ludwig describes the 5 streamers he tried to emulate when he first started streaming
Ludwig describes the 5 streamers he tried to emulate when he first started streaming
19 votes
4 years ago
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Lud on the phrase "Innocent till proven guilty"
Lud on the phrase "Innocent till proven guilty"
21 votes
ludwigludwig playing VALORANT
4 years ago
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