Jerma opens a treasure chest and reads a letter
Jerma opens a treasure chest and reads a letter
9 votes
4 years ago
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Actual psychopath kills the mayor so he can become the new mayor
Actual psychopath kills the mayor so he can become the new mayor
0 votes
Jerma985Jerma985 playing Bugsnax
4 years ago
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Jerma does an Annoyed Gengar impression
Jerma does an Annoyed Gengar impression
0 votes
2 years ago
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Dodging IRL + Worst Face
Dodging IRL + Worst Face
2 votes
3 years ago
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jerma exposed
jerma exposed
4 votes
3 years ago
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Where's that darn dog?
Where's that darn dog?
9 votes
6 years ago
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Jerma doesn't like the pizza shirt Ludwig wants him to wear
Jerma doesn't like the pizza shirt Ludwig wants him to wear
22 votes
3 years ago
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