Ludwig clears up some confusion about the Timer
Ludwig clears up some confusion about the Timer
28 votes
3 years ago
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0 votes
4 years ago
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Ludwig reacts to Steve reacting to Ludwig reacting to Steve
Ludwig reacts to Steve reacting to Ludwig reacting to Steve
4 votes
4 years ago
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ludwig meets his opponent
ludwig meets his opponent
14 votes
ludwigludwig playing Chess
4 years ago
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Ludwig gifts mang0 a sub
Ludwig gifts mang0 a sub
25 votes
3 years ago
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Ludwig on why he started the subathon
Ludwig on why he started the subathon
26 votes
3 years ago
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Ludwig on possible ways he can end his subathon before his roommate's birthday
Ludwig on possible ways he can end his subathon before his roommate's birthday
27 votes
3 years ago
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