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GWB Finals SCRT vs Na'Vi G3: Na'Vi smoke into Secret and pick off YapzOr but lose MagicaL soon after
GWB Finals SCRT vs Na'Vi G3: Na'Vi smoke into Secret and pick off YapzOr but lose MagicaL soon after
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gwbps_engwbps_en playing Dota 2
4 years ago
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mantuu - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to set OG on double digits after their T side
mantuu - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to set OG on double digits after their T side
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frozen's 1vs3 clutch attempt is denied by the final T (Plopski) in the post-plant situation
frozen's 1vs3 clutch attempt is denied by the final T (Plopski) in the post-plant situation
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KSCERATO - 1vs3 Deagle (CT - pre-plant situation)
KSCERATO - 1vs3 Deagle (CT - pre-plant situation)
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Spinx 1vs5 ace clutch vs FURIA
Spinx 1vs5 ace clutch vs FURIA
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XANTARES - ACE (with 1vs3 clutch)
XANTARES - ACE (with 1vs3 clutch)
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