SHOCK - 4 Deagle kills (3 HS) on the bombsite A defense
SHOCK - 4 Deagle kills (3 HS) on the bombsite A defense
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s1mple insane aimlock
s1mple insane aimlock
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Krimz 1v2 2tap
Krimz 1v2 2tap
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autimatic vence 1x2 e garante segundo do ataque -
autimatic vence 1x2 e garante segundo do ataque -
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VINI fecha o mapa com 1v2 clutch | DRAFT5.GG
VINI fecha o mapa com 1v2 clutch | DRAFT5.GG
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dexter (CT) wins the 1vs4 post-plant situation with the help of some external distractions
dexter (CT) wins the 1vs4 post-plant situation with the help of some external distractions
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