yeah my name is BILLY MAZIR
yeah my name is BILLY MAZIR
2 votes
3 years ago
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Scammer eats the mic
Scammer eats the mic
1 vote
5 years ago
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Kitboga accidentally flirts with Scammer
Kitboga accidentally flirts with Scammer
6 votes
5 years ago
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Kitboga is programming an AI bot to talk to scammers
Kitboga is programming an AI bot to talk to scammers
7 votes
4 years ago
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Kitboga puts together a program that listens to and automatically responds to scammers accordingly
Kitboga puts together a program that listens to and automatically responds to scammers accordingly
16 votes
4 years ago
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18 votes
5 years ago
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KKona Clap.....WutFace
KKona Clap.....WutFace
19 votes
5 years ago
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