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ZywOo (CT - Deagle/AWP) wins the 1vs1 duel with KRIMZ (AK - bombsite B)
ZywOo (CT - Deagle/AWP) wins the 1vs1 duel with KRIMZ (AK - bombsite B)
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s1mple - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite A defense (vs mostly upgraded pistols)
s1mple - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite A defense (vs mostly upgraded pistols)
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suNny (T) wins the 1vs4 post-plant situation with the help of the bomb timer in the final duel
suNny (T) wins the 1vs4 post-plant situation with the help of the bomb timer in the final duel
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arT 3k to secure the round (Mirage)
arT 3k to secure the round (Mirage)
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poizon's 1v4 is denied because of a smoke bug
poizon's 1v4 is denied because of a smoke bug
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k0nfig 1v4 ace
k0nfig 1v4 ace
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