How does this work?
How does this work?
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2 years ago
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dying at 9:00 as exdash repeatedly (map 3 hyper, no metaprogression) -> maybe spire after this gets too grindy
dying at 9:00 as exdash repeatedly (map 3 hyper, no metaprogression) -> maybe spire after this gets too grindy
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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we sit together, the spire and i, until only the spire remains
we sit together, the spire and i, until only the spire remains
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2 years ago
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Jorbs get psychoanalyzed
Jorbs get psychoanalyzed
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2 years ago
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6/100 hearts in 2nd/30 days | let's hang out and play video games | !marchupdate <- maybe worth reading
6/100 hearts in 2nd/30 days | let's hang out and play video games | !marchupdate <- maybe worth reading
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2 years ago
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10/100 hearts in 5th/30 days | rebranded to a !dadtrap account
10/100 hearts in 5th/30 days | rebranded to a !dadtrap account
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2 years ago
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