Shiny Machop!
Shiny Machop!
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🌑 Ultra Moon: Mono Dark / Mono SBQ 🌑 Moving  on to Eevee =/
🌑 Ultra Moon: Mono Dark / Mono SBQ 🌑 Moving on to Eevee =/
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Shiny Charmander random encounter!
Shiny Charmander random encounter!
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🐾 LGE Shiny Hunting: Paras🐾Shiny Ekans + Jynx + Metapod + Kakuna GET!
🐾 LGE Shiny Hunting: Paras🐾Shiny Ekans + Jynx + Metapod + Kakuna GET!
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Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken
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✨ LGPE Shiny Hunting: Poliwag ✨Double Hunting; Ditto+Rhyhorn GET!
✨ LGPE Shiny Hunting: Poliwag ✨Double Hunting; Ditto+Rhyhorn GET!
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Shiny Omanyte :OOOOOO
Shiny Omanyte :OOOOOO
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